After almost a long while i am back to active here :-) as busy with new project. From past few days unknowingly few questions are getting into my mind. Who Am I? What's Life? What Am I? What I am doing ? Am I Living for my sake? or Am I living for someone's sake? Am I doing things which i like? Have you got these questions into your mind ever? As my friend(Nag) had a discussion on what purpose you are living your life in this society?
If these questions have get into your mind, what's your answer? I can say people in this society 9 out of 10 never feel that they are living for their sake.. that's for sure.. He he he.. Don't you believe? Now you can question yourself the same and think to answer honest yourself. In Daily routine getting up from the morning till go to bed night what are the things you are doing which you like? what are the things which you are purposefully doing as others may think otherwise or they may feel if we don't do this manner? No need to disclose answers to anyone, Keep answers with yourself.. Its more than enough if you know the right answers for right sake :-)
What I feel there is no qualification to Our/Ourselves if we do things which we don't like or having food which we don't want or doing a job which we don't like or interest on it. I echo with one of my friend Nag as we are not suitable to ourselves, if we do the things which we dislikes. As even in current situation people do their jobs which they really not interest in their work or dislike the job. Why to bother about likes/dislike when we are getting salary at end of month.. Is that what you feel? Though you are getting Salary one thing you are missing out of it.. that is satisfaction.. work satisfaction.. mental satisfaction.... For some other sake... you are doing it.. not for the one you really wants it.
If I am referring to myself that means we are referring to ourselves as unique personality in this universe. we bound to ourselves and we cannot be like others in terms of personality and kind of qualities. I know what my strengths and weakness and you know whats yours strengths and weakness. like that every one knows the same. Its not that much easy to do myself and I am owning it as we referring simply to ourselves. We do often times which we don't want to do because of Someone things wrong or Some one may think bad about us if we do in that way.
There is no need to break any predefined rules to be like Myself. Speak out what you want say, We tend to have diplomatic nature to achieve something but we are loosing ourselves. what i mean to say there is no need to give a smile and talk to people, whom you don't like or you don't like their behave. Why don't you tell him the same thing that "for me the way you behave is not acceptable". if you say that shows you are absolutely yourself. You told him which you want to tell. But in the surrounding most of them don't tell in front.
Why you need to change the way naturally walk when you see a girl? Because you are trying to impress her !! is it not? Walk in your own style, why you are trying to change it which you are doing over years.
we are living for ourselves nothing but what we do with our own style and interest and our likes which we wanted it to do. They are some people says diplomatically positive about you when you around and then turn to negative talk about you when you are not avail in that picture. There is no point of living if it cannot for yourself. I don't want to show to the people that i do myself and want them to know who am I. But In surrounding whom i know, with whom i work.. they know who am I.. what I do and for what sake?
When you feel that you are working for yourself and you are confident what you are doing and the way you do.. Then definitely you can feel the difference..!

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