There are more and more of innovative planet technics like BroadBand, Infrastructure, Traffic ... etc..!
Sam encolsed the functionality of SMARTER PLANET. and the factors which are mandate to do.
here you go some of the reasons he put acrossed. (Source IBM)
There is no reason to undertake projects simply for the sake of activity. Rather than simply stimulate, let’s seize this opportunity to transform our country’s infrastructure and economy… to create more and better jobs… and to develop new and more valuable skills.
This is all possible because this crisis coincides with important developments in technology and how it is being applied to solve real problems.
Our country must compete in a world that isn’t just getting smaller and “flatter,” but is also becoming smarter. Intelligence is being infused into the infrastructures, systems and processes that enable economies and societies to run.
And this phenomenon is inherently global. As you state so well, Mr. President, not only must we invest in our economy to be truly competitive, but our economy must engage the global economy in order to be successful.
Smarter infrastructure is by far our best path to creating these new, globally competitive jobs and to stimulating growth. Our research shows that a $30 billion stimulus investment in just three areas -- healthcare IT, smart electric grids and broadband -- could yield almost one million new jobs within one year.
This is possible because these kinds of smart infrastructure will have a significantly greater multiplier effect for our economy’s growth over the next decade. We needn’t simply repair what’s broken. Rather, we can prepare a smarter and more vibrant America for the 21st century.
So, I and my peers encourage all leaders in business and government to embrace your vision and to work with the Congress, so that we can quickly get on with the work at hand – to build a vibrant, globally competitive economy.
President Obama responded, "But even as this plan puts Americans back to work, it will also make the critical investments in alternative energy, in safer roads, better health care and modern schools that will lay the foundation for long-term growth and prosperity, and will invest in broadband and emerging technologies, like the ones imagined and introduced to the world by people like Sam and so many of the CEOs here today, because that's how America will retain and regain its competitive edge in the 21st century."
Hope it implements soon, And Fix the US Economy continuously and we have better IT growth in near future ...!